Sooooo...they have finally forced me to post on the blog. Not that I dont love all of you (truth be told, i'm not even sure I know everyone who is reading this), but I have tried my best to stay away from emails, phones, etc. That being said, let me do my best to fill you in on the rest of our Texas experience.
After floating the river with the Mexican we got word that my buddy Bernie was visiting another friend of mine (Joe Johnson) in San Antonio. If you want to learn where the Texan stereotype is fulfilled, meet Joe Johnson. Joe met up with us and led us back to his place which was beautiful. After showing us around Andrew and Jerone immediately made themselves comfortable in his movie theater. Abhi and I paddled around in the pool with Bernie, Joe, and his little brother. After hanging out for a while the Johnsons took us out to a great Mexican meal. We strolled around the Alamo and Andrew took another 4,000 pictures of himself in front of another famous building. Fast forward through another night of partying and we find ourselves being sent off from the Johnsons after having a great breakfast, having our bus looked at, and a cooler full of fresh venison sausage, jerky, and salami. All from animals murdered by Mr. Joe Johnson himself. All were delicious and VERY helpful later in the trip...story to come...
As we left San Antonio we headed to Dallas so I could meet up with my buddy from High School. I used to be best friends with this guy Nick but he left H.S. after freshman year and I really havent spoken with him until now. We didnt get to his place until 9ish at night. We ran through the shower drill as usual and spoke with his rents/cousin. His mom cooked us a BOMB meal and we ate as much as we can, only leaving leftovers because we knew we would be back from it later in the night. Nick took us out with a couple of his buddies who were really chill to a local bar. Interestingly enough, Texas cards (and has bouncers) EVERY night of the week. Needless to say, Mona would NEVER have made it in TX. Being that I have not seen this guy in a while, we all shot for the stars. We got absolutely hammered. Once the bars closed down we went back to the bus to drink/smoke for a few more hours. We were sitting on the roof, beers in hand for a while then realized we should probably get down when Nick fell through the emercency exit and crushed all of our food products. To cap off the night Abhi takes off his shirt, gets the biggest firecracker we had (3 ft long) and runs into the median of this highway road. Immediately Jerone and I realized our friend was about to blow off his hand but we also realized he was not goign to give up so we told him he could keep his shirt off and light the firecracker so long as it was planted in the ground. If you are asking yourself 'where was andrew during all of this?" ...he was cheering Abhi on. The firecracker goes off, we go to sleep, wake up, eat a savage burger and cheese fries and head out. Side note: Everyday Italian is a GREAT show. We could not leave until we watched a few episodes.
Texas was really good to us but once we hit the road we wanted nothing more than to get out of TX. This was not an easy task because TX is fucking HUGE. Not to mention, Andrew wanted to stop in Odessa to see the "stadium" from Friday Night Lights. We got there in the middle of the night, pulled into the parking lot only to realize that this "stadium" was a low-end H.S. football field. This was the most ridiculous stop we have made yet. TO celebrate we had an Andrew Herzog photoshoot then gunned it as far as we could, leaving us in New Mexico. The drive was rough. We all drove and in total we made it over 500 miles straight through the night.
There you have it, my first blog post. Post something witty to show that someone is reading. More stories to come...